WEB-based GEne SeT AnaLysis Toolkit
Translating gene lists into biological insights...

The followings are three examples to show the format of the gmt file and des file that can be uploaded for analyzing the omics data with the gene identifiers not included in the WebGestalt.

1. KEGG annotation for the rice

gmt file, des file and reference file for ORA method

2. KEGG annotation for the chimpanzee

gmt file, des file and reference file for ORA method

3. microRNA-based categories

The following files can be used to identify the enriched microRNA targets for a list of microRNAs.
gmt file, des file and reference file for ORA method

WebGestalt is currently developed and maintained by Yuxing Liao, Suhas Vasaikar, Zhiao Shi and Bing Zhang at the Zhang Lab. Other people who have made significant contribution to the project include Jing Wang, Dexter Duncan, Stefan Kirov and Jay Snoddy.

Funding credits: NIH/NCI (U24 CA210954); Leidos (15X038); CPRIT (RR160027); NIH/NIAAA (U01 AA016662, U01 AA013512); NIH/NIDA (P01 DA015027); NIH/NIMH (P50 MH078028, P50 MH096972); NIH/NCI (U24 CA159988); NIH/NIGMS (R01 GM088822).